im just some prole lady who happens to be class-conscious :3

✯ I believe in liberation for all oppressed peoples. ✯
i believe the advancement of knowledge must come from a variety of sources & perspectives.
i am thrilled when multiple ideas fold into one, interlinked in a logically consistent manner.
my goal is the holistic liberation of humanity; to free us from the limits of our current material conditions.

i am always interested in learning more about:

other libertarian socialist tendencies
★Marxist Humanism★
★Marxism, more broadly★
Collective Individualism/Left-wing anarchism
★(Trans-Inclusive, obv.) Radical Feminism★
Marxist Feminism
Black Feminism
the Situationist Movement
the (Neo-)Zapatista Movement
Liberation Theology

leftist meme.png
We could be striving for a world in which every individual is able to lead a life of dignity. Ensured safety by a global family, fully liberated from all forms of worldly oppression.
More effectively chasing a progressive future as a unified global civilization. United by a genuine, universally felt (non-toxic!) love, which fully respects the autonomy of each individual according to her needs. When the contradictions between your own, personal psychological motivations and the motivations of the collective species to which you belong are resolved, you must no longer imagine Siyphus to be happy. For his situation (damnation) shall no longer apply to you. Your labor will no longer be motivated by the fruits of—and against the fires of—an indifferent hellworld. Creating your own PROSOCIAL meaning for your life in such a world will lead to you finding your own Sisyphean boulders to push. And you will push them not out of an immaterial, imagined, or ideological purpose or joy. But you will labor out of a genuine, reciprocal, central and constant FELT love for humankind. For every bolder you push, every crop you sow, every home you raise and every CHILD you raise will be a tree planted—under the shade of which you may or may not sit. But this labor WILL be FREELY given. It will be given as the mature gift one who has grown, their entire life, in such a society. It will be your